Biometrics in Law Enforcement
How We Help
The technological needs necessary to facilitate identification of individuals by law enforcement is ever-changing and often lead to innovations in the private sector. As a global leader in multimodal biometric technology for identification and verification (fingerprint, iris, facial, palm vein), Fulcrum has an extensive portfolio of capabilities and solutions deployed in government agencies and prisons all over the world.
“Fulcrum Biometrics was wonderful to work with– from the initial sale through the integration and deployment with our Jail Management Software systems. Fulcrum’s hardware, software and web-enabled FbF® suite of tools integrated seamlessly with our backend systems.”
Felix R.
Director of Engineering, ATIMSWhat We Offer
Criminal Booking
Certified in 9 states (and growing), FbF® LiveScan’s criminal FBI-certified systems meet the demands of law enforcement agencies and jails. Whether to replace ink-printing methodologies or supplement legacy systems with obsolete technology and poor support, Fulcrum provides the latest technology and cleanest user interfaces– at the fairest prices– in the market. It can be integrated with any RMS or JMS.
Rapid Mobile ID
The FBI Repository for Individuals of Special Concern (RISC) allows officers on the street to use a mobile identification (ID) device to perform a rapid search of a biometric repository of Wanted Persons, Sex Offenders Registry Subjects, Known or Suspected Terrorists, and other persons of special interest. It provides law enforcement with an enhanced capability to quickly identify persons who present special risks to the public or to law enforcement officers themselves. Fulcrum’s FbF® RISCmobile returns results on potential offenders in under 10 seconds.
Inmate Management
Fulcrum provides the biometric identification backbone for several Jail Management System partners, fingerprint hardware for some of the US’s largest jails and prison systems, and sells its own FbF® InmateID– which uses iris recognition to manage inmates locations and ensure that the wrong person is never released to the public.
Decedent Identification
FbF® DecedentID is one of the country’s only solutions designed specifically for Medical Examiners and Coroners. Collect fingerprints of decedents and print on special cards designed just for ME use. It is usable on Windows, Android, and iOS mobile platforms with a variety of biometric scanning devices.