How We Help
Because there are so many bad things that can happen when a person is misidentified—and so many good things when the right person is verified quickly–stakeholders in the healthcare industry are rapidly integrating biometrics into their systems and workflows. Using biometrics to establish identity is becoming ever more popular– and necessary– in today’s hospitals, medical offices, and research facilities. Wherever identity matters– administering medicine, allowing access to facilities and EMR’s, quickly moving people without passwords or card systems, being HIPPA compliant– biometrics can supercharge any identity system.
“On behalf of the Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations, we would like to inform you that we are very pleased with our live scan machines, and with your support staff for all of their assistance in getting us set up, trained, and for answering any questions we may have. We can now complete our fingerprinting on-site, and in a timelier manner.”

Stephanie U.
Operations AssistantWhat We Offer

Biometric ID
Everyone’s personal, physical characteristics are unique. Using biometrics (face, fingerprint, iris, or palm vein recognition) is the one proof of identity that cannot be lost, stolen, borrowed, or left behind at home. Automated biometrics (using computer algorithms to ascertain identity) eliminates the slow, risky, and sometimes sloppy way of manually confirming identity with contact information, birthdates, and Photo ID’s. Adding biometrics to healthcare systems makes them secure.

Data Security
Privacy compliance is one of the single largest challenges in the field of medical records management. Mistakes from good employees as well as sinister actions taken by those seeking personal gain can lead to significant repercussions, fines, and lawsuits– most all of which can be avoided by requiring positive proof of ID by people accessing electronic data or even storage locations that contain written information.

Secure Meds
Biometric capability can be built into pharmaceutical systems and equipment to require the issuer to be positively identified. With a recognition platform custom-designed for the specific environment in which medicine is transferred– providers need never again be concerned that the wrong person is administering drugs or that the wrong person is receiving them.

Background Checking
Nearly everyone in the medical field and those touching PII are required by law to have criminal background checks before hiring, and periodically after that. Fulcrum provides the live scan capability for HR departments to facilitate those background checks in many states, without having to send candidates to independent fingerprinters at added time and expense.
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