How We Help
Trust is the lynchpin for every activity, engagement, and transaction in the financial services industry. Our solutions for trusted identities promote the attainment of regulatory compliance, enable tight security through unambiguous identity authentication and authorization, and deliver vital assurances and peace-of-mind to all stakeholders.
Every day, we are meeting our clients’ challenges around the on-boarding of new staffers (e.g., FINRA background checks) or new customers (e.g., KYC/AML). We streamline and secure financial service providers’ staff-access to mission-critical applications (e.g., password-less logins). We simplify in-branch identification processes for bank customers and credit union members using biometrics (e.g., at ATMs and Teller lines). We also help fintech companies innovate in areas such as biometric-based payments at the point-of-sale.

What We Offer

Online Verification – Know Your Customer (eKYC)
To safeguard against money laundering, the need to Know Your Customer electronically is becoming a global requirement. The technology to onboard new customers and check their identity against official credentials and databases, and facial recognition, is now available worldwide and can be deployed through mobile phones. Fulcrum’s FbF® KYC Remote Digital Onboarding solution is the perfect tool for seamless and secure onboarding.

Cybersecurity – Passwordless Logins
bioLOGIN™ protects user data, solves the problem of multiple passwords and poor password practices, thereby increasing security while simplifying the end user experience. bioLOGIN allows a user to encrypt/decrypt data and login to their local PC, home or corporate network, websites and applications with a wide choice of authentication mechanisms (fingerprint or palm vein scanners, smart cards, TPM…etc.) or a single password (SSO).

Payment Platforms
Our biometric technologies support fintech companies’ innovations in payments, allowing purchasers to make quick, easy and secure payments at the point of sale with a simple scan of their palms (using their internal vein structure) or other biometric. By leveraging our Fujitsu PalmSecure technology with our FbF® bioServers, fintechs can deliver on the promise of a frictionless, safe and secure shopping experience for retailers and their customers.

FINRA Background Checking
FbF® LiveScan is certified with FINRA for submission of background checks.
Notable Clients