About Fulcrum Biometrics

Corporate Brochure
Founded in 2002, Fulcrum specializes in the development and deployment of biometric identity management solutions
Fulcrum Biometrics Framework

FbF bioServer and AppServer
Learn about the components of FbF – the framework for system integrators

FbF for Healthcare
Learn how FbF is configured to suit a variety of healthcare applications

Fujitsu PalmSecure
Award-winning palm vein imaging technology for secure identification and authentication

PalmSecure for Healthcare
PalmSecure is a robust front-end biometric authentication for healthcare data and identity management
Palmki- a Fulcrum Biometrics Partner

Palmki Overview
The highly secure Palmki solution can be used for access control, time and attendance, cybersecurity, process automation, and payments

Palmki for Football Clubs
Overview of Palmki biometric solutions for football clubs

Palmki vs Face ID
While Face ID has become a household name, not everyone is aware of its vulnerabilities